Traveling to the Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009It is Wacky Casino Wednesday! and we’re featuring the newest Resort Casino to open in the Phoenix area. (more…)
It is Wacky Casino Wednesday! and we’re featuring the newest Resort Casino to open in the Phoenix area. (more…)
Guest Author Peggy Bradshaw; Photos by George Bradshaw
Lakota Chief Henry Standing Bear wrote a letter to sculptor Korszak Ziolkowski asking if he would carve a monument to the great Oglala warrior Crazy Horse. Ziolkowski worked on the carving of Mt. Rushmore and Standing Bear wanted the white man to know that the Indians had great heroes also.
The carving was started in 1948 on Thunderhead Mountain, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, a mountain considered sacred by many tribes. Many tribes oppose the defilement of the sacred mountain.
How the Crazy Horse Monument is supposed to look when completed