We spent two terrific days in Boise, Idaho and wished we had more time. After starting in West Yellowstone and driving west on Interstate 86, then Interstate 84, and contending with construction traffic, we finally arrived.
Hyatt Place
We checked into the Hyatt Place Boise on North Milwaukee Street not too far from the highway, our first experience at a Hyatt Place. We were impressed!
The friendly staff was smiling and efficient. If we hadn’t had so many questions as first-timers, we could actually have used the automated check in. However, our host was eager to show us around in the lobby. Everything is easy to access.
The décor is sleek and inviting. We really liked the room, too. Technology is very much accounted for- you can use the free wireless Internet connections or dock your iPod. The bed is in an alcove-like arrangement so there is a feeling of a suite. The “living room” has a fabulous couch that wraps around with an ottoman. In the “office area” a desk with connections faces away from a small fridge with a wet sink and a coffee maker. http://boisetownesquaremall.place.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/place/index.jsp
Great space!
Boise Farmers Market
If you’ve been reading the blogs, you know that we wouldn’t miss a Farmers’ Market. Boise’s Farmers Market is certainly worth seeing! Such fun – and four blocks worth of scrumptious fresh produce, hand made items and entertainment in downtown Boise every Saturday, from 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM.

Boise Farmers Market

A fun way to spend a Saturday
The atmosphere is entertaining and everyone seems to be in a festive mood.
Entertainers at Boise Downtown Farmers Market
Fresh cheese, delicious brittle pine nut candy, and some hand-carved wooden items were some of the great items we purchased. If we had lived there, we would have chosen fresh eggs, meats, flowers and – well, it would be hard to hold us back!

Boise Farmers Market has almost everything everyone would ever want to eat - cheese, eggs, meats, fresh produce, candy - and crafts
Then, we decided on a fun café/pub-like restaurant, the Brick Oven Bistro, at 801 Main Street. After review of an enormous menu of soups, salads, main dishes with so many choices I had trouble choosing, I had some terrific food. The portions were enormous and the staff was competent, efficient and friendly. I spilled my soup as I sat down and a staffer was so nice about cleaning up my messy spot at the table. Reasonable prices, great food, fun atmosphere – we recommend Brick Oven Bistro! http://www.brickovenbistro.com/
Come back next week when we take a jaunt to a penitentiary where they cultivate flowers!