Travel to the Wild in Arizona
Posted in Arizona, Native American, Scenery, Southwest | By Shelley Gillespie | Tags: Arizona, Nature, Scenery, Southwest, Wild horses
This week, I promised something unusual. Although this posting is a little later than usual, I ‘m keeping my promise.
In Arizona, south of Phoenix, the Gila Indian Reservation has some welcomed guests – wild horses. Although during some seasons, you might not see them, these wild creatures may be viewed just along the highway. Invariably, I haven’t had my camera with me, but sometimes I have managed to get some photos.

Wild horses

Wild horses watching us watching them
The Gila Indian Reservation has vast acreage where the animals are able to roam – somewhat – free. (The lands are fenced from the roads to keep the horses safe and people out of these private lands.) Since the Gila River Indian Communities are good stewards of their lands, the horses literally have free reign – and no reins in open areas. In warmer weather, the horses take refuge in more sheltered area, but often in the spring, they can be seen in plain view.
How many major metropolitan areas can claim such a refreshing and unusual glimpse of such an inspiring sight?

Wild horses see us and leave
Next week we’ll offer another, lesser known, but scenic, Arizona spot.
Coming soon: If you’ve just been thinking of traveling and would – at least secretly – consider yourself a Couch Potato – you’ll be excited when we launch our new e-book. We’ll share more next time.
Tags: Arizona, Nature, Scenery, Southwest, Wild horses