Traveling just north of Old Faithful, we whisked by the Upper, Midway and Lower Geyser Basins on our first day in Yellowstone. We decided to return because we could see some amazing activity.
The next day, we weren’t disappointed. In a concentrated area at the Lower Geyser Basin, are some amazing, bubbling, perking evidence of very hot activity under the earth’s surface. The bubbling is in the Fountain Paint Pots and the nearby steaming is a series of geysers that are quite impressive.

A boardwalk takes you around the area and, as long as you stay on the boardwalk – which they require – you can see the activity and avoid the dangerous hot gases.

The first sight we saw was Silex Spring – a colorful pool with flowing water– but very lethal. Hot steam and hydrogen sulfide are not especially great to inhale.

We walked around the Fountain Paint Pots, seeing something that could be out of MacBeth – “double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble.” And, there was certainly a lot of bubbling going on. Even though we were early in the season, we still were able to see some really active clay-like deposits that, according to the Parks Department’s pamphlet, were used by the Crow Indian tribe to paint their tepees.
RECIPE – For the Mudpots of Fountain Paint Pots

As we continued our walk on the boardwalk, we came to an area that had a half dozen geysers in varying states of activity. It was a bit hard to tell which one was which, but the photo here – we believe is Morning Geyser, which put on a spectacular show. Notice the yellowish deposits in the geyser not erupting in front. The deposits, while colorful, are other evidence of the many chemicals the erupting earth bring s to the surface.

Geysers erupting in Fountain Paint Pot areas
Almost nearing the juncture of the boardwalk path with the entrance walkway, there are some “Lodgepole pines” that have become mired in the earth’s eruptions. It is a stark reminder of how destructive, yet beautful the earth can be.
The entire walk around the Fountain Paint Pots Trail and the geysers in the vicinity can easily be seen in less than an hour. It is great to stay longer and watch the changes.
Next week: We’ll travel to Yellowstone’s Falls – the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. We’ll explore from several vantage points.