Archive for July, 2009
Friday, July 31st, 2009
Once you’ve had a chance to see the art and architecture on the grounds of the Getty Center (see yesterday’s blog), head inside for some tours of the different pavilions.
Tours around the Getty Center will provide some enlightening and entertaining background on the art on display. The great thing about the Getty is that the tours are free and the tour guides are lively and interesting. (more…)
Tags: Art, Los Angeles, Museum, Travel
Posted in Art, Historic, Museums | No Comments »
Thursday, July 30th, 2009
Before choosing to visit the Getty Center in Los Angeles, I asked a friend who had been there recently if it was worth traveling there. Sometimes things are just hype, after all.
Well, I’m happy to report that the Getty Center is absolutely worth visiting (as my friend said). Especially the buildings, which are works of art themselves.
Arriving from the 405, which can be backed up with typical LA traffic, the Getty Center is reached by a tram from the parking garage. Even the tram ride is an efficient, clean and scenic experience.
Tags: Architecture, Art, Los Angeles, Museums, Travel, US Domestic Travel
Posted in Art, Historic, Museums, Scenery, Travel, Travel Planning | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
For over 75 years at Third and Fairfax, the L. A. Farmer’s Market has been an institution.
Just west of downtown L.A., and just south of Hollywood on what was formerly a dairy farm, the Farmer’s Market has grown from farmers selling their products from the back of their trucks to a mostly enclosed building offering groceries, shops and restaurants.

LA Farmer's Market
The atmosphere is festive and busy, but there are so many choices that is difficult to decide what to choose. Everything from a farmer’s produce stand to sit down locations, delis, Asian options and much more tempt the hungry shopper. There are 35 restaurants and drink choices with over 20 grocery and specialty food outlets. You can’t decide what to eat? Well, try a few!
Tags: Food, Historic, Los Angeles
Posted in Family Fun, Food, Restaurant, Shopping, Travel | No Comments »
Tuesday, July 28th, 2009
Continuing our Los Angeles dining options, we are going to look at a couple of establishments where we had dinner. Both of the following restaurants serve lunch also, with one open for breakfast.
Tags: Food, Los Angeles, Travel, US Domestic Travel
Posted in Food, Restaurant, Scenery, Travel | 1 Comment »
Monday, July 27th, 2009
When we were in L.A. a week ago, we detailed some places to go, and people to see. Actually, we didn’t give you any people to see, but that won‘t be hard in a city of 4,010,000 (if you really can’t find anyone to see there are 11,000,000 in Los Angeles County).
So there are things to do, and people to see, but, also, you’ve gotta eat …
Tags: Food, Los Angeles, Restaurants, Seafood
Posted in Food, Historic, Travel | 2 Comments »
Friday, July 24th, 2009
Guest Author Peggy Bradshaw
When Gold was discovered in the Klondike in 1896 and a ton of gold arrived in Seattle in 1897, the gold rush was on! Everyone rushed to the goldfields through Chilkoot Pass. It was six hundred miles over treacherous and dangerous trails and waterways. Another trail was developed through White Pass and this became the route of the White Pass and Yukon Railroad.

White Pass and Yukon Railroad on its Climb to the Klondike Photo by George Bradshaw
Tags: Alaska, Historic, Railroad Travel, Tours, Travel
Posted in Family Fun, Scenery, Travel | No Comments »
Thursday, July 23rd, 2009
By Guest Author Peggy Bradsaw
The Alaskan gold rush lured thousands to Skagway, which became known as the gateway to the goldfields. By 1898, it was Alaska’s largest town with a population of about 20,000, not counting the 10,000 people living in the tent city of nearby Dyea. Today, Skagway has less than 1,000 residents but the population more than doubles on the days when the cruise ships pull into the dock.
Skagway boasted the shortest route to the Klondike, but it was far from being the easiest. Over a hundred years ago, the White Pass route through the coast mountains and the shorter, but steeper, Chilkoot Trail, were used by thousands of stampeders. The treacherous Chilkoot Trail, combined with the area’s cruel elements, left scores dead. The hotels, saloons, dance halls and gambling houses prospered, but as the gold supply dwindled, so did the population of the town, as the miners left to go to newly-discovered gold fields.
Tags: Alaska, Historic, US Domestic Travel
Posted in Historic, Romantic Locations, Ship Travel, Shopping, Travel | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009
By Guest Author Peggy Bradshaw
A whale watch is a rare and exciting experience that provides views of our fellow mammal, the whale. In Alaska, The whale watch tour we took began in Auke Bay at the marina and traveled through the Saginaw Channel to the Lynn Canal, the main summer feeding waters of the humpback whale. You are always assured of seeing at least one whale, and seeing just one is a rarity. (more…)
Tags: Alaska, Tours, Travel, Whale watching
Posted in Family Fun, Scenery, Ship Travel, Travel | 3 Comments »
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009
By Guest Author Peggy Bradshaw
Ketchikan, referred to as “Alaska’s First City,” is the first port of call for all the cruise lines. Because the cruise lines are the lifeblood of the town, the store’s hours in downtown are “whenever the ships are in port.”
World-famous for the abundance of incredible totem poles in the region, Ketchikan is also known as the “Salmon Capital of the World.” The amazing thing about Ketchikan is that there are no roads into it from the outside world. Everything must be brought in by boat, ferry or plane – even the garbage truck that reads “Satisfaction Guaranteed or Double Your Garbage Back.” (more…)
Tags: Alaska, Totems, Tours
Posted in Historic, Romantic Locations, Scenery, Ship Travel | No Comments »
Monday, July 20th, 2009
By Guest Author Peggy Bradshaw
I was amazed at the size of the big white ship docked at Vancouver, B.C. We had flown in and were ready to board for our 7-day cruise through the famous Alaskan Inside Passage. Traveling with two other couples, we had mini-suites with balconies side by side on the Dolphin Deck, Deck 9.

Cruising from Vancouver Photo by George Bradshaw
Tags: Alaska, Cruises, Tours, Travel, Vancouver
Posted in Romantic Locations, Scenery, Ship Travel | No Comments »