Travel Tips & Adventures

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Archive for September, 2009

War Memorials in Washington, DC

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

By Guest Author Peggy Bradshaw

My favorite War Memorial in Washington, DC is the Korean War Veterans Memorial with its band of realistic bronze soldiers warily and wearily crossing a field headed into harm’s way. Dedicated on the 42nd anniversary of the armistice, July 27, 1995, the memorial honors the more than 54,000 who died there, and the thousands of veterans of this conflict.

Korean War Memorial

Korean War Memorial - Photo by George Bradshaw


Update on Scam

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Well, I promised to update everyone on how my effort to remove the scammer’s charge from my credit card worked out!


My credit card company sent me a letter that they had concluded the investigation (it only took another month) and the amount was “suspended” and was removed from my account.  

Under absolutely no circumstance do I recommend that anyone use Tracfone Airtime.  They submitted a pile of documentation and tried to get paid for fraudulent charges.

May everyone learn from my sad experience!  Be VERY careful before you give any information to anyone!  Credit card companies already have your info.

Travel – On the Road to Taos

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

In the last of my three-part journey north of Santa Fe, I am heading up to Taos, New Mexico. After spending the morning in Bandelier National Monument and Los Alamos, I’m heading to a destination that is more known for its winter activities than summer.

Summer Skiing

Can you say SKIING? That’s what most people think of when they hear the words Taos, New Mexico. (more…)